Friday, June 8, 2012

Last Day of School: A Series

Presenting the Tiny Taught's Class of 2012.  We'll miss you, Berkeley and Jonas!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

MFA - Part 2

Here are some cool things we saw at our second visit to the Museum of Fine Arts.  And this time we even roped Loren into coming with us!

Sophie and I with the famous portrait of Paul Revere

John Adams - Gilbert Stuart, 1823.  This was painted when Adams was almost 90!
A picture of a little girl in front of a picture of a little girl...  Helen Sears - John Singer Sargent, 1895.  Helen was six when this portrait was painted.
George Washington - Gilbert Stuart, 1796.  This is the portrait that is used on the dollar bill.  Now do you see why Sophie and I took a picture of his tombstone?
Caresse Maternelle - Mary Stevenson Cassatt, about 1902.  I think this portrait is so sweet and tender.
And the famous Sargent painting:  The Daughters of Edward Darley Boit - John Singer Sargent, 1882.  Sargent painted this when he was only 26, wow.  The placard called his composition, "daringly empty."

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Mommy-Daughter Date

Today was our big moving day and since we packed up the computer, I scheduled this post.  I know, it is high-tech.  Hopefully everything went well with the move!  On to the subject of this post...  One Saturday we decided to go as a family to see The Lorax at the movie theater.  It was only playing at the theater off Boston Common and it was only in 3-D, so that's what we did.  There was a tense moment during the previews when I thought Sophie was going to refuse to wear her 3-D glasses, but thankfully it passed and we all enjoyed the show.  It was everyone's first 3-D movie and it was cool, but I think the consensus was that in general, it's not worth spending the extra money.  Afterward Loren had to go back home and study (lame) so Sophie and I spent some time wandering around Boston Common and the Public Gardens.  Well, I wandered and she scootered.  It was a lovely spring day and I had a great time sightseeing and spending some special time with my daughter.

In front of the tombstone of artist Gilbert Stuart
Sophie for scale in a graveyard in Boston Common

I love these old tombstones and the elongated "s"

View of the Hancock Tower from the Public Gardens

Yes, I was usually too lazy to take off Sophie's helmet before I took a picture
An unusual monument celebrating the discovery that using ether helps relieve pain during medical proceduresIt was first used at Mass General Hospital

I love these pictures in the tulips!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Scooter Girl

After seeing Sophie play with her cousin's scooters in New York (which I will post about... someday), I decided she needed one for herself.  She had picked up the technique so quickly that I knew she wouldn't have too many accidents, plus I figured a scooter would be easier to carry up and down our stairs than a stroller would be.  Also, I may have secretly hoped that outings where Sophie rode her scooter would wear her out more than just sitting in the stroller.  Sounds logical, right?

Loren and I decided to get Sophie the scooter, but not tell her and have it be a fun surprise.  After agonizing a little longer than was necessary about the color choice (we picked green), we ordered it and waited for the big reveal.  Sophie was surprised and now loves her scooter!  She knows the safety rules about riding it and I'm happy we have something fun for her to do in our new neighborhood in Boise.

What could be in the box?

Surprise, your very own scooter!  I think she likes it.

Riding around the neighborhood.  This mural is on the side of the local florist's shop.