Thursday, January 28, 2010

Beautiful Baby

We have just entered Sophie into Regis and Kelly's annual beautiful baby contest! We had some technical difficulties uploading the picture, but Loren finally figured it out -- thank goodness. We already think she is the most beautiful baby in the world, but I guess we'll find out if others feel the same way. How it works is parents upload pictures of their kids, ages 6 months to four years. A panel of judges whittles down the thousands (or tens of thousands) of entries to a handful of contenders and then I think people can vote and determine the semifinalists, then runners-up and winner.

Obviously the chances of Sophie winning are slim(!) but the prizes are amazing, so we figured there was no harm in trying. The contest is in partnership with Gerber, who provides the winner with a $125,000 college scholarship! The four runners-up get $25,000 apiece, while the 10(?) semifinalists receive a year's worth of food from Gerber, specially customized for their child. Wow! Anyway, I think they show a bunch of the pictures everyday on the show, so if you watch Live with Regis and Kelly and see Sophie let us know. There is also a gallery of all the entries on their website. We'll let you know how it turns out. This is the picture we submitted. No matter what, Sophie will always be a winner to us.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Children's Museum

It has been an unbelievably long time since my last blog post, but with the start of a new year I have re-resolved to blog more often and offer more frequent updates on our busy life. Last Friday, Loren took Sophie and I to the Boston Children's Museum. They have $1 admission on Friday nights, so we figured even if we didn't like it, we would only be out $3. Luckily we all had a great time. There were so many fun and creative exhibits and activities that I think Loren and I had more fun than Sophie. We definitely want to go back again, but maybe wait until Sophie is a little older so she can enjoy it even more. It was a great date - thanks Loren!

I'm always amazed at how much Sophie can do!

Go Red Sox!