We'll move on to Sophie's news now. She has been potty training, hooray! When we went to Utah in August she finally started to get it and since we've been back, she's been doing pretty good. She can make it through naps wearing underwear and yesterday she conquered her fear of using strange toilets, when she went to the bathroom while we were apple picking (more on that later.) For your sakes, I don't have a picture of that, so instead here is a picture of us on a river cruise that our ward did. I love Sophie's crazy eyes, plus it shows a before-haircut picture of me.
And lastly, Loren's news. After much consideration he accepted a job offer in Boise!! He will start working full-time for Clearwater Analytics in June or July 2012. We are very excited, but also a little sad to leave Boston, so we're trying to make the most of the time we have left. Also, consider this a notice to all of you: You have until June to come visit us in Boston, so please come! Here's Loren with his hand-painted congratulatory sign and a homemade pumpking pie. I tried to write "Boise" on the pie with whipped cream, but it was still too hot so it just melted. I am so proud of all your hard work, Loren!