Thursday, April 1, 2010

February Catch Up

February is a busy month - my mom's birthday, Valentine's Day, my birthday, etc. Let's just say it gets a little stressful for Loren because he constantly has to buy me presents. Poor Loren. That being said, it's full of exciting things and we had lots of fun doing them. Here are two events that I am slow blogging about, but didn't want to forget to mention.

1. Wellesley's annual Waltz n' Schmaltz

This is a dance that the Wellesley LDSSA hosts every year for other members of the student ward. Loren and I were special guests since we're not in the ward, but I am in the LDSSA (technically, even though I'm lax about participating). We had a wonderful time and it brought back fun memories of our first year.

What a sharp looking family!

The Wellesley LDSSA: Gina, Maryn, Kirsten, Kelsey, me, Kristal and Jesyka (minus Arbor who is on her mission)
2. My 21st birthday! I had a great birthday, thanks to Loren and my friends. Maryn and Kelsey made me cookies which we ate during institute and then Loren, Sophie and I went out to dinner that night. Sophie wasn't on her best behavior, but she must not have realized how important a day it was. Loren got me a beautiful dress, which I unfortunately had to exchange because it was too short, but he gest an A++ for the effort. Marianne sent me some of her beautiful, homemade scrapbook pages and my family sent their presents with my mom when she came to visit the next week.

No alcohol for this 21-year old!

Sophie got a kick out of my birthday card with sound

My beautiful cake that Loren made and decorated all by himself - thank you lovey!

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