Monday, April 16, 2012


No, you didn't read the title wrong, that's what Sophie calls gymnastics.  Starting last fall (?) we enrolled Sophie in a community gymnastics class to help her get some energy out during the cold weather.  She loved the gymnastics part, but struggled with the warming up and stretching part.  She's very physically gifted, but not the best at listening to and following instructions.  Not the best, yet.  We're working on it.  She did two sessions of class, but we dropped the ball on signing her up again so her gymnastics days in Cambridge are over.  Out of all those classes I think these are the only pictures we got.  Ooops!  Oh well, enjoy Sophie in action.

Bear crawl

Hollow banana, done with a smile
With her wonderful teacher, Marco, on the bars

Balance beam was one of her favorite things, here on the small one

Now on the big beam.  She was one of the only kids who would do the tall one and always wanted me to let go of her.  No fear!


  1. I usually think she looks like Loren and not you, but in the third-to-last one she looks just like you! Good luck wrapping up the school year!

  2. Really Sarah? Is that how you think of me?!
