Thursday, August 5, 2010

Monkey See, Monkey Do

I took Sophie to the zoo for the first time at the end of June. We went with our friends from playgroup to the Franklin Park Zoo, in the suburbs of Boston. I think it's a comparatively small zoo, but it still had all the main attractions: lion, tiger, giraffe, zebra, etc., but no chimpanzees :( Here are some cute pictures, thanks to my friend Brittany.

Sophie was the first kid in the pen to pet the goat. No fear!

The lion was sleepy

I love this one!

And I'll leave you with a little Sophie...


  1. She is super cute! I also love the one of Sophie with Rafiki and baboon.

  2. I love that pictures at the end!

  3. What fun zoo pictures! The babboon and Sophie seemed to have a connection. We miss you guys.

  4. The close-up at the end is so cute! I can't believe how big Sophie is getting. By the way, you should consider actually setting up a Flickr account so you can host bigger versions of the pictures.
